Everyone who steps foot beyond the front entryway area
of the gym must have a signed waiver on file.
Minors cannot sign a waiver on their behalf. To sign for a minor a parent or guardian must create a profile for themselves and then add minors to their household before proceeding to the waiver. ​​
WE LOVE CLIMBING. However, climbing is inherently a risky activity. Safety equipment used in bouldering is designed to never fail when used properly. However, these safety systems are passive, and participants must actively engage in safe practices for these systems to work. Each climber must take personal responsibility for their actions in order to continue using this facility. The waiver is an agreement of these principles. Waivers can be filled out ahead of your visit online, or done in person when you arrive.
Safety & Orientation Video
Personal Responsibility
Every person coming into Agility Boulders must demonstrate foundational knowledge of basic safety when bouldering. If in doubt, or for any person not well versed in falling safety (or for any minor/youth participants under the age of 18) we DO require watching our basic bouldering/obstacle structure safety videos.
Bouldering involves risk. All falls are ground falls. All boulderers must be willing to take personal responsibility for their own safety.
Safety Requirements for Bouldering and Obstacle Training
Don’t boulder unless you know how to fall—feet together for strength, or springy and apart if stable.
Don’t brake falls with your hands or arms.
Use a ‘spotter’ for difficult or risky moves.
The warped wall requires caution and care to avoid injuries.
Know how to ‘spot.’ Be active and poised to orient falling climber correctly onto padding.
Identify crux moves and properly cushion all falls.
The bouldering area is primarily for adults—children must be supervised.
Children may not play on the foam in the main bouldering areas.